4 NLP Tips For Managing Crisis

4 NLP Tips For Managing Crisis

by Dr. Kim Redman as published in SNAPD Aurora I’m often told that periods of transition in our lives feel like crisis. Others might think that an over statement. Let’s be real… if it feels like a crisis… then it is. So let’s chat about crisis management...
Courage For The Journey

Courage For The Journey

by Dr. Kim Redman as published in SNAPD Aurora How do you know how long something is supposed to take? When is enough? Do you start out thinking something will take a few hours, a few days maybe even a few weeks, only to find it ends up being months if at all? I was...
Strategies To STOP The INSANITY

Strategies To STOP The INSANITY

by Dr. Kim Redman as published in SNAPD Aurora “I’m fed up! I seem to do the same thing over and over… I lose 15 pounds, then I gain it back! How do I stop the insanity?!” Sound familiar, be it weight loss or any other new or better habit? Does it sound...
Your Ear Lobe Has Unexpected Power

Your Ear Lobe Has Unexpected Power

by Dr. Kim Redman as published in SNAPD Aurora Have you ever noticed how certain songs and memories have really good feelings attached to them? How powerful would it be if you could transfer those powerful good feelings to other more stressful situations to ease your...
Is 50/50 The Optimum Ratio for Couples?

Is 50/50 The Optimum Ratio for Couples?

by Dr. Kim Redman as published in SNAPD Aurora You know it is said that every relationship should be a 50-50 split. Right? Here are 6-Tips to ensuring you get there and just maybe weighing the odds a touch in your favour. Allow me the pleasure of starting this article...
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